1. Cinnamon sugar twists I made on Father's Day. YUMMY!
Will post the recipe soon! Super easy and good!
2. Funny coffee cup I saw in a store in Brenham.
You choose the side depending on how your day is going!
3. Me getting my hair highlighted. Lovely pic huh?
(Dory always sends me one of her when she gets her hair painted, so I figured I'd send her one :)
4. Funny sign I saw in an antique store.
I saw the naked Barbies laying there and said
"Look- naked barbies!" and then my friend said "I wonder how much they are"
and I looked down and there was an actual Naked Barbie sign. Too funny!
5. Another heart shaped chicken picture.
I love it when my chicken looks like this!
6. The YUMMIEST rice cakes ever. Seriously.
Nutri-grain blackberry pomegranate- so good!
7.Front of a funny hat we found out shopping that is perfect for Madison.
It says Spoiled.
8.Cute little Henry who stayed with us this past weekend. He is such a hoot!
Sat. night he kept running into the living room with all sorts of stuff- socks, bras,
a pillow pet cow (about 4x's his size), a shoe, a tag off a new shirt, a tennis ball.
9.Back of a funny hat we found out shopping that is perfect for Madison.
It says Who Me?
So should have bought it for her!