I'm a sign lover.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It's the Little Things- Funny?
I'm in Fort Worth at a conference for a few days and
am having a ball learning and playing.
While looking at cards yesterday in a store,
I came across this card and it cracked me up.

The picture on the card was hysterical- as was what it said inside
(Can you call in grouchy to work?).
But what truly cracked me up was
the little category at the bottom of the card stand.
Instead of being labeled Birthday, Anniversary, Friend, or Humor,
How silly is that?

Sunday, July 26, 2009
It's the Little Things- Soap
Saturday, July 25, 2009
It's the Little Things- Treasures
I love love love looking through antique stores and yard sales to find old things to bring home with me. I love thinking about what the story behind each old treasures is and imagining ways to use them in our home. The items always have such character and I love that!

On my recent trip to visit my sweetest friend Dory , she and I managed to steal away for a bit and go visit some of her local antique stores. We had a ball looking through all the old things and I found a few to bring home with me.
My favorite purchase was a pair of wooden shutters. They were obviously very old and I loved thinking of how they must have looked on an old house once upon a time. I got them for a steal- $20 for the set of two pairs!
I brought them home with the intent to use them in my foyer. However, after I brought them home and set them up against the fireplace in our living room, I decided they were just the right size and height and would be a perfect for a fireplace screen.
I'm blessed that my sweet hubby is SUPER handy. So I asked him if he could make a frame for the shutters- so that they would cover the entire fireplace. Of course he did so - easily and quickly. After a few sprays of paint (I LOVE spray paint) he hinged the shutters on and fireplace screen was complete!

I absolutely love it and as an added bonus it keeps hot air from seeping into our house during the super stinkin' hot Texas summer!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
13 Things I Have Realized (or Remembered) Lately
1. Going to the gym and exercising is not something I will ever like to do. It's a necessary evil- something I have to do to be healthy, not something I ever want to do.
2.Madison being home= a happy Mommy.
3. There are no coincidences. God places people and events in our lives at the exact moment we need them. And I am so very thankful that He does.
4. I love my car. My rent car? Not so much.
5. Consequences for living outside of God's will for you life and being disobedient to Him are often very long lasting. And it's hard for people to see and accept that.
6. Having Maddie ride in the front seat leads to some great conversations between us. (But it still makes me very nervous)
7. I do not believe that time heals all wounds but that it does make it possible for you to see the blessings that can come out of a difficult or painful time in your life. And that knowledge makes it easier to look for and see those blessings when walking through another trial.
8. I can eat a pound and a half (maybe 2) of grapes in one day all by myself. (Not that I would ever do that. :)
9. When others go through a tragedy, crisis or struggle, I so hurt for them and it is easier for me to pray fervently for them than it is to pray for myself. I so need to work on this.
10. The reason that someone is mean or ugly to you if often not the reason that you believe it is. Things aren't always what they seem.
11. My super cute but not so smart dog Belle is NEVER going to not have occasional accidents inside.
12. Other's trials make your own problems seems so minor and insignificant. Their tragedies truly give me perspective- which I often obviously need.
13. I am blessed.
2.Madison being home= a happy Mommy.
3. There are no coincidences. God places people and events in our lives at the exact moment we need them. And I am so very thankful that He does.
4. I love my car. My rent car? Not so much.
5. Consequences for living outside of God's will for you life and being disobedient to Him are often very long lasting. And it's hard for people to see and accept that.
6. Having Maddie ride in the front seat leads to some great conversations between us. (But it still makes me very nervous)
7. I do not believe that time heals all wounds but that it does make it possible for you to see the blessings that can come out of a difficult or painful time in your life. And that knowledge makes it easier to look for and see those blessings when walking through another trial.
8. I can eat a pound and a half (maybe 2) of grapes in one day all by myself. (Not that I would ever do that. :)
9. When others go through a tragedy, crisis or struggle, I so hurt for them and it is easier for me to pray fervently for them than it is to pray for myself. I so need to work on this.
10. The reason that someone is mean or ugly to you if often not the reason that you believe it is. Things aren't always what they seem.
11. My super cute but not so smart dog Belle is NEVER going to not have occasional accidents inside.
12. Other's trials make your own problems seems so minor and insignificant. Their tragedies truly give me perspective- which I often obviously need.
13. I am blessed.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It's the Little Things- Tea for Two
During the school year lunch is usually something that is eaten quickly (if at all) sitting in front of my computer while working. One of the joys of summer is the ability to go out to lunch with friends. It's a great treat to actually go out to eat and have time to visit and chat and I absolutely try to take advantage of it when I can.

Yesterday I had the joy of taking a sweet new friend to lunch at a tea room in a nearby town.
It was such a blessing to slow down and just visit- without the rush, rush, rush that seems to be such a part of daily life.
It was such a blessing to spend time chatting and getting to know a new friend.
It is a blessing to be simply be given the gift of a new friend.
Friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life,
and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
~Thomas Jefferson~
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It's the Little Things- A Picture
I recently pulled out some old pictures of my mother and her sister (my Aunt Tootsie) and displayed them on an old screen on a precious little new to me old table
(that I found at an antique stores a few weeks ago and absolutely love).
The table sits right by the front door and each time I come home or leave
I am greeted by the smiling faces of my sweet mother and her sweet sister.

They were two amazing ladies who died within three months of each other 7 years ago.
I was so blessed to have them both as a part of my life.
Their sweet smiling faces always bring a smile to mine.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's the Little Things- Scrabble Messages
Sitting on our old piano we have a Scrabble rack along with a jar full of Scrabble letters. I change the message every few days and usually it says something seasonal (HE IS RISEN) or some sort of statement (BLESSED).

Occasionally Madison will change the message. Right before Dory and her family came to Texas in June, I saw Madison standing over at the piano digging through the jar for letters. She said "Don't look!" so I thought she was putting some sort of fabulous message like WELCOME or their last name to welcome Dory's family to our home.
But obviously I had forgotten the silliness and randomness of my adorable 13 year old.
This was the message:
Madison is visiting her dad this week and I miss her like crazy. Each time I pass by that Scrabble rack, I smile thinking of how much I love that silly girl and how blessed I am to have her for a daughter. A little thing that reminds me of a HUGE blessing.
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's the Little Things- Toothbrush Tradition
As I came home last night from a wonderful evening with some sweet friends- both old and new- I was greeted by this sight on the bathroom counter that always makes me smile.


Since the day we were married over 7 years ago, Tony and I have had a toothbrush tradition.
It's simply that whoever gets ready for bed first puts toothpaste on the other's toothbrush.
This may seem like a silly thing to do but is something I absolutely love.
We put the toothpaste on the other's toothbrush first, before our own,
as a reminder to put their needs before our own.
If I'm out late it always seems like a big "I love you" sitting on the counter
and it's something I truly miss when we are apart.
(As an added bonus it's a great way to make sure not to go to bed angry
because it's hard to put toothpaste on a toothbrush when you are mad.
Well, without squeezing it all over the place :) )
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's the Little Things
It's so easy to become discontent in today's world. With the economy the way it is, with the unemployment rate sky high, and with money tighter than normal, it's hard to not worry and become anxious about the state of our finances.
But God reminds us in Philippians 4:16 to
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
So I've decided to work to consciously be happy and content in all that I have.
Because truly, I AM blessed!!
So for the next 30 days I'm going to take and post a picture of something that makes me happy each day. It could be some bargain I've purchased, it could be something I've made, it could be something I have been given, or it could just be something I see that makes me happy. It will just be a reminder to me to be thankful for everything- even the little things that God has blessed me with.
Day 1
This is a picture of what Belle looks like every evening as we eat dinner.
She sits on the bench at our table and lays her head down-
staring intently at each of us as we eat.
It is so stinkin' cute and so stinkin' pitiful!
(Of course this sweet face usually gets some sort of treat from the table before each meal is over! )

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Cookie Dough Pie (aka The Easiest Pie EVER)
When I saw this recipe on Big Red Kitchen I thought to myself, no way is that any good, it's way too easy. But on Father's Day I decided to give it a shot and oh my goodness- it is yummy and simple and sinfully good!
You need only 4 simple ingredients:
-a 15.25 ounce package chocolate chip cookies (I used Kroger brand Chips Ahoy type cookies)
-either an 8 ounce or a 12 ounce container of Cool Whip (again, I used the Kroger brand)
-2 cups milk (I used skim b/c it's what I normally buy)
-chocolate syrup
Pour two cups of milk into a bowl. Dunk cookies in the milk, shake off excess milk, and layer in a 9 inch pie plate- breaking cookies to fill any gaps. It is important to leave the cookies in the milk for a bit so they get a little mushy- but not so long that they completely fall apart. You definitely want to make sure to shake off the extra milk so that you don't end up with a big puddle of milk in your pie. Once the first layer is done, cover with a light layer of Cool Whip. Repeat layers twice- making the last layer of Cool Whip thicker to cover all cookies completely. Decorate the top of the pie with chocolate syrup. Place in freezer for 2-3 hours before serving. Set pie on counter to thaw a bit before serving.
This was so simple and yet so yummy- I will absolutely be trying it again soon- with different types of cookies. I think next I'll have to try oatmeal cookies for my sweet daughter who loves them!
You need only 4 simple ingredients:
-a 15.25 ounce package chocolate chip cookies (I used Kroger brand Chips Ahoy type cookies)
-either an 8 ounce or a 12 ounce container of Cool Whip (again, I used the Kroger brand)
-2 cups milk (I used skim b/c it's what I normally buy)
-chocolate syrup
Pour two cups of milk into a bowl. Dunk cookies in the milk, shake off excess milk, and layer in a 9 inch pie plate- breaking cookies to fill any gaps. It is important to leave the cookies in the milk for a bit so they get a little mushy- but not so long that they completely fall apart. You definitely want to make sure to shake off the extra milk so that you don't end up with a big puddle of milk in your pie. Once the first layer is done, cover with a light layer of Cool Whip. Repeat layers twice- making the last layer of Cool Whip thicker to cover all cookies completely. Decorate the top of the pie with chocolate syrup. Place in freezer for 2-3 hours before serving. Set pie on counter to thaw a bit before serving.
This was so simple and yet so yummy- I will absolutely be trying it again soon- with different types of cookies. I think next I'll have to try oatmeal cookies for my sweet daughter who loves them!

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Praying for Maggie Lee

My friend Jinny's daughter-Maggie Lee was on a church bus on their way to camp on Sunday morning from Shreveport, Louisiana when the bus had a blowout. The bus flipped three times killing one young man and injuring many others. Maggie Lee received head trauma and was flown to Jackson, Mississippi. She has serious head injuries and has had a lung collapse. She has fluid on her lungs, her heart has stopped once already, her brain is swelling, and she is not stable enough at this time to have the brain surgery she needs to save her life.
Please be in prayer for Maggie Lee and for her parents Jinny and John.
Please pray for their strength, hope, peace, and healing.
Our God CAN do amazing things.
Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.
Ephesians 6:13-18
(The Message)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Things I Learned on My Summer Vacation
Road trips are always so fun and Madison and I had a ball traveling to visit my sweet friend Dory and her precious family. We traveled about 1,826 miles, listened to 3.5 books on CD, made only 6 potty/gas/food stops, sent lots of text messages, and took almost 900 pictures.
Besides having a wonderful and fabulous time, I also learned a few things on my trip.
I learned........................................................
- Madison can sleep for a long time in the car. A LONG time.
- You should NEVER tell your friends an old nick name you HATE WITH A WHITE HOT PASSION unless you WANT them to call you it. ALL THE STINKIN TIME.
- Silly face pictures are fun no matter how old you are!
- Movies are ALOT cheaper at home than in other places. ALOT. (hence the reason I go to the movies all the time!)
- Taking pictures of a sweet baby with my new camera is SO fun!
- Small towns have awesome antique stores with good prices! I bought some old shutters and an old window and already have Tony working on projects using both of them! :)
- Doing things outside in states where it is NOT 100+ degrees in the summer time is actually fun!
- My car gets GREAT gas mileage on the highway. 30.85 miles to the gallon. Woo hoo!
- My favorite time with Dory on every trip is our early in the morning chats when no one else is awake. We do it when we are both at home- via MSN Messenger- but it's so NOT the same.
- The roads in Arkansas are BUMPY!
- Texas and Kentucky are WAY too stinkin far away from each other. I'm trying to think of a way to move them closer together. Any suggestions?
- Dory's husband and I are alot alike. ALOT. (He says I am the male version of him and I think he might be right!)
- When you are in a dark cave and someone takes your picture with a bright flash, STOP and wait till you can see again before moving or else you will end up with a huge painful bump on your head where you bumped your head on the rock. Hard. (Still have the bump to prove this one- almost a week later. What a dork.)
- Dory can fall asleep anywhere and at anytime. (I am so jealous of this fact!)
- Madison and I both have way too many stupid human tricks. Seriously. Are we freaks?
- There are some weird people in gas stations in Tenn. The old Indian man who hit on me was creepy. CREEPY.
- I enjoy ignoring my GPS system sometimes and telling it NO. Since I rarely tell people no so maybe this is my way of rebelling?
- Dory's girls Beebo and Luby are so sweet and so much fun. I love those girlies!
- Dory snorting when she laughs is a guaranteed way to make me start laughing. Every single time.
- My OCD tendencies are rubbing off on Dory- she now has a Swiffer in her new van after she used to laugh at me for having one in my car! LOVE that!
- I have successfully addicted Dory's family to Sonic. :)
- Our three girls are so creative and can turn anything- even a bird that died next to the swimming pool- into something fun. (After naming him and bringing him home (in my Sonic cup) they held a funeral for him, complete with a will reading, casket, eulogy, burial, headstone, and flowers.)
- Dory is truly a blessing and a gift from God. I know that I did not do anything to deserve a friend like her, but I thank God daily for her. She is fun and silly and smart and goofy and honest and I love her so very much! Thank you for a wonderful time Dory!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Three Amigos
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It's a BOY!
On Sat. we dropped by Dory's sisters farm to visit some of her sweet animals. She had alpacas, miniature donkeys, bunnies, and miniature horses. They were absolutely adorable and we had a great time seeing them all.

At one point we were in a pen with two mama horses, their two babies, and a little male horse named Tiny. Tiny kept getting between us and the other horses- and kept trying to show off for the ladies. (We wondered if perhaps he had "small man syndrome" :)
As we stood there petting and watching the horses, Tiny went potty.
If you have ever seen a male horse go potty, you know that certain things stretch out during that process.
Now on a regular horse it is not very noticeable.
However, on a miniature horse, it is VERY noticeable.
So noticeable you can NOT miss it.
As soon as it happened, Madison turned to me with very large eyes and said
"Hey mom, did you see that? That is definitely a BOY horse. "
We laughed and Dory said
"Yes, that's where the saying "hung like a horse" comes from!"
Madison whipped around and looked at us and said
"Hung like a horse? You mean they HANG them from that?"
Dory and I burst out laughing and then tried to explain the meaning of the expression.
A little while later while Madison and I were separated from the group, I tried to explain to her more about what she had seen.
I said "Honey, when boys wake up in the morning or when they get excited, their boy part gets larger."
She said "When they get excited? You mean like when they get a present or something?"
I said "Um..........well...........yes...............kinda like that."
I think we will leave that conversation till we get home and let Daddy field that one. :)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fun Times
We are having a ball in Kentucky and I've taken a million pictures
to remember our fabulous time!
Here are a few of my favorites so far!