Monday, August 14, 2017

The One who Calls you IS Faithful!

I don't know about you, but I so often need the reminder 
that I don't have to FEEL qualified to do what God is calling me to do.  
If He calls me, HE will do it. 

1 Thessalonians 5:24 is one of my absolute favorite verses and one that I cling to 
when I feel like I am not equipped or prepared or able to do what 
God has before me which honestly... is ALL the time. 
There is such comfort to me knowing it's not up to ME! 

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

It's easy to name all the things that will fail us in this world. 
All people (even those we love the most) will disappoint us and let us down. 
All things in our lives will break and fall apart.
Man's promises WILL certainly be broken. 
But God's promises...will NEVER be broken. 
If He said it, He WILL do it. 

God IS faithful. Faithful is WHO He is. 
He always keeps His word because if He did not, he would not be God!

Everything that God says and does is absolutely 100% certain. 
He is dependable and certain. 
He does not fail or forget or falter or change or disappoint. EVER. 
 He says what He means and does what He says.

My prayer is that if you are feeling overwhelmed tonight, 
you are reminded that if He has called you (or me) to it, 
He WILL do it (and equip you to do it). 
That you are able to rest in the knowledge that His calling comes with an equipping. 
It's not up to you, it's up to Him!

You can print a PDF or JPG copy HERE!