Sunday, August 13, 2017

Cards for Your Child Going Away to College

Sending your child away to college is hard y'all. 
It doesn't matter if they are 10 minutes away or 12 hours away. 
It's like sending your heart away and it's hard not to worry that 
you won't be there when they need you. 

So when my sweet girl left for college her freshman year, I bought a bunch of cards, 
wrote in them, labeled them 
(For when you are sad, For when you are sick, for when you are homesick, 
For when you need a reminder you are loved, etc) 
and put them in a box tied with a bow.

My mama did this for me when I went away to Baylor too and
 I remembered how much I loved those handwritten cards. 

Because as much as I loved college, there were times when I so missed my mama 
and those cards were such a sweet reminder of her.

When we moved her into her dorm I placed the box in Madison's drawers to find after we left.
 I wasn't sure if she read them but when we were unpacking her things in her
 new apartment her sophomore year I saw the box.
When she saw me holding the almost empty box- she asked. 
"You are going to write me some more cards, right?" 
So of course I did. 

And as I wrote in them I thought of how much my mama 
would have loved me carrying on that tradition. 

If you have a child headed off to college and want to do this for them- here are the cards from the second year in case you need some ideas other than the ones above.

 (Note: Hobby Lobby has a great selection of cards 
that are perfect for this and are super inexpensive!)