This is one of my all time favorite pics because it was taken
the day my dad adopted my sister and I.
We called it "A Day" and is one of my first vivid memories.
Here is what I remember:
I remember that we all stayed home that day.
I remember that I ate Rice Krispies with my dad in the living room
while watching The Three Stooges and Speed Racer.
I remember that my dad did my hair
(he was awesome at doing braids and ponytails!).
I remember going downtown to court and being scared of the judge.
I remember telling the judge I wanted him
(pointing to my dad) to be my Daddy.
I remember going out to lunch to celebrate.
I remember the cake we had to celebrate.
I remember after that day having to carry around my new last name
on a piece of paper so I could remember how to spell it.
(If you don't know what it is- just know it is 10 letters long and includes an X)
I remember how happy I was on this day
to get the best Daddy in the world!
I LOVE this old pic of my sister and I taken on that same day for so many reasons!
1. First, the lovely bookshelves behind us. The fact that not only are they red, white, and blue- but that the candle on top is also red, white, and blue cracked me up! I obviously inherited my need for everything to match from my sweet mother.
2. The fact that my sister is holding what I remember to be a book about places from the Bible. I remember that book vividly for some reason and why she's holding it? Not a clue.
3. The fact that I am also holding some random book- certainly not a kid book. I am certain I didn't want to be left out so I grabbed something off the shelf behind me. So funny!
4. Our snazzy lace tights. I so remember these!
5. The fact that I still have this dress because it was such a special day.