2. Cool lights in an Austin hotel
3. My beautiful friend Donna being funny
(She is so funny ALL THE TIME she could be a stand up comedian- seriously.)
4. Soap that made me smile in the my hotel room last week
5. "It took alot of willpower, but I finally gave up dieting!"
6. Valentine cookies for DOGS
7. The cute new monogrammed ring I got while in Austin
8. My sweet friend Mary Beth sporting her conference backpack
(Mary Beth just started a blog this week- go visit her here!)
9. Me in the exhibit halll wearing some snazzy 3D glasses
10. Funny dog mat- Water, Nasty Dry Crap
11. Cute purse magnet that read "Life is full when it's full of friends!"
12. Funny Sonic sign I made to send to my BFF
13. Shrimp flavored chips. EWWW!
14. "Every girl should be two things, classy & fabulous!"
15. Gummy fried eggs. Weird.
16. A copy of the Run Pee page app for the movie Dear John to send to Dory who went to see it last weekend.