As I read my dear friend Dory's blog this morning I decided to follow her lead and to once again join The NaBloPoMo blog roll. (I'm a big old copy cat but hopefully she will remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! )
The NaBloPoMo theme for March is “Giving” (UP). NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month and it began originally in November several years ago but has since extended to each and every month - centered around a theme for the month. The only rules are that you post an entry every single day for an entire month. I’ve only participated once but since I have been in somewhat of a blogging slump, I thought that this might be a good way to work my way out of it.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the theme for this month and think it will be wonderful to focus on giving. My goal for this month will be to GIVE something away each day. It might be a meal, an apology, an act of service, a donation, a present, a gift of time, a prayer, a second chance, a blog with some great stories or links, or simply a kind word. I can't wait!