I love every holiday and any reason to make a treat for friends and family. When she was little I spent hours and hours working on treats for Madison to give to her friends for Valentine's Day.
But, as she has gotten older it's become more of a challenge to come up with new, unique fun treats for her to give to her friends at school.
Here is our idea from last year and it was super easy, fun, inexpensive, and something that you could adapt for any holiday or occasion!
Here is what we did..........
Sometime last year while shopping I stumbled across some clear alphabet stickers. They were on clearance for a great price and so I bought several packages and tucked them away in my craft closet thinking that someday soon I'd find a use for them.
(I do this all the time which is why I have a closet full of random stuff!)
As I started thinking of what to do for Madison's Valentine's Day treats- I remembered those cute little stickers.
A quick trip to the store for some cute Valentine's Day paper (thank you Target Dollar Spot), some Valentine ribbon (Target Dollar Spot again), and some Hershey's nugget candy bars and we were ready to work.
I simply measured and cut the paper to fit around the little bars- to cover up the writing- and we taped them on with a small piece of tape on the back of each bar.
Madison spelled out each of her friends names using the alphabet letters by placing one letter on each candy bar.
(getting creative when we ran out of Y's and E's)
We then rubber cemented some additional scrapbook paper onto
the back of some blank index cards cut in half lengthwise.
We rubber cemented each little candy bar to the white side of the card and slid each one into a clear plastic bag (from Hobby Lobby in the bag section)
and tied it with a little Valentine's ribbon.
-Hershey Nugget candy bars
-Valentine scrap book paper
-Alphabet stamps
-Rubber cement
-Blank index cards or cardstock
-Clear bags from Hobby Lobby
-Valentine ribbon