I am a girl that loves bows- in all shapes and sizes.
And so when I saw a way to make bows using a page
from a magazine I just had to try it.
And when I did and I found out how SUPER simple and fast it was-
I just had to share with you.
Here's what you'll need
(all of which you probably have in your house right this minute):
-a page from a magazine, a piece of scrapbook paper, a piece of wrapping paper or any other kind of paper you might have
-a pair of scissors (or a paper cutter)
-tape (regular Scotch tape or double sided tape)
-a stapler (I used this type of stapler and it worked fabulously because I could open and close it without squishing the paper)
-a ruler
Use the ruler to mark the back of the page at 3/4 inch intervals and cut out 9 strips.
Set three strips aside as these will remain full-sized. Take three strips and cut 1 inch off of each strip and throw scraps away. Take two strips and cut 2 inches off of each and throw scraps away. Cut a three inch piece from the remaining strip to use for the center of the bow. When you finish cutting your strips will look like this:
Take each of the longer 8 strips and twist each one to form a loop at each end. Make sure that the side of the page that you want to show up is on the outside, not the inside. Staple each piece in the center after making the loops. Take the last piece- the smallest piece- and make it into a circle and tape it closed.
Lay the longer of the 3 strips over each other, spacing them apart. Staple them together in the center. Add the next three in the same manner, and secure with another staple. Repeat with the last two strips and staple one final time. Use a piece of tape rolled up (or use double sided tape) to secure the round loop in the center of the bow.
A few hints:
- scrapbook paper makes a fluffier bow which I love
- you can make a larger or smaller bow- just extend or shorten the length of your strips
- using a stapler that opens and closes easily is helpful because it keeps you from crushing the loops
These are so easy peasy and so inexpensive and quick! I don't think I'll ever buy another bow again. Trust me, if you make one, you'll want to make another and another and another and another...