December 16 Tea of the year.
My favorite tea is one sold only during this holiday season.
It's Celestial Seasonings Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride Tea and it is YUMMY!
December 17 Word or phrase.
A word that encapsulates your year. "2009 was _____."
December 18 Shop.
Online or offline, where did you spend most of your mad money this year?
To be 100% honest I would have to say most of my mad money
was spent at Sonic, the nail salon, and on trips to see my sweetest friend Dory.
(BTW.....did I mention I get to see her in only 3 days? I CAN'T WAIT!!)
December 19 Car ride. What did you see? How did it smell?
Did you eat anything as you drove there? Who were you with?
Madison and I drove to visit Dory and her family
this past summer and we had a great time.
For the first time I ever, I let her ride in the front seat.
Although I was worried about her safety,
I have to admit that we had some fabulous conversations,
lots of laughs, and some great memories.
It was a long drive- 5 states in one day- but one I won't ever forget!
December 20 New person.
I've been blessed to have made several new friends this year-
Jamee, Karen, Erin, and Mary Beth to name just a few.
So blessed to have each of them in my life!
December 21 Project. What did you start this year that you're proud of?
I started a new technology blog
technology rocks. seriously.
and I am proud of it-
and have lots of ideas and plans for it in the coming year!
December 22 Startup. What's a business that you found this year that you love?
Who thought it up? What makes it special?
I love love love Etsy.
Etsy is a site where you can buy some of the
most amazing handmade items.
If you don't know about it- be warned.
Once you click on that link and start looking at all of the amazing items
you can buy, you will be clicking away for hours and hours.