rejoice; feel happiness or joy; the emotion of great happiness; gladden; make glad or happy
Such a simple word but sadly, such a difficult thing for me to focus on.
But this year, I'm really and honestly going to try.
I'm trying to..........
EnJOY more...........friends, family, and all of the many blessings God has given me
See the the good times, the bad times, and all those times in between
Find the little things, the big things, the crazy things, the silly things
Look for the JOY..........everywhere, every day
Focus on the JOY..............instead of checking off things on my too long to-do list
Remembering that JOY is not dependent upon circumstances-
but is based instead on our relationship with God.
To help on my JOY quest for this year, I decided I needed a reminder,
something I would see daily that would put JOY on my mind.
So the other day after a trip to Michael's (for only $7)
I made a little something to go on my mantle as a JOY reminder

and am praying it will help me focus on the JOY in my life.
Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength
Nehemiah 8:10b

PS Leave me a comment with a word you are trying to focus on this year and I'll use a random number generator to choose one of you to make a reminder for! :)