Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Morning Inspiration

Political Bad News- This week my sweet friend Betty sent me this article and I thought it was a great reminder during election time of what and who is truly important. No matter who you are voting for (you are going to vote, aren't you?) this message is for you!

The One Time It's OK to Be Someone Else- This beautiful entry by sweet Lisa is such a wonderful reminder to look at other women in our lives with eyes of grace. What a precious and much needed reminder.

The Danger of Being Overloaded- This article spoke to my heart. I think every single mother and wife struggles with the danger of being overloaded and it's time we realize what a danger it truly can be.

It's a Non-Negotiable for Me-
This post made me think about what non-negotiables I have in my life daily. I immediately thought of driving to school each day with Maddie- which is one of my favorite times of day. We talk, we pray, and we prepare for our day. During that time she has my full attention and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know the days of her riding with me are numbered and because of that I treasure every single one. This post made me wonder if perhaps I need a few more non-negotiables, a few more times in my day when I give 100% of my attention to those I love. As a multi-tasking wife and mom, some days I wonder if I give 100% of my attention to anything. And that makes me sad.

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends!

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