I love thinking about my goals for the new year.
A new year is like having a blank book, a fresh start, a new beginning
and I love, love, love that.
Here are just a few of the things
I will be striving to do this year ...............
I will be striving to do this year ...............
Spend more time on my knees in prayer and in God's word
Stop being a JOY STEALER
Surprise others
Slumber more (My new Magic Blanket should help this!)
Savor the precious moments instead of thinking of the next task on my list
Speak what's in my heart
S-L-O-W down
Speak what's in my heart
S-L-O-W down
Stop worrying so much about what others think
Spend time enjoying my life
Start a game club
Say NO sometimes
Spend more time exercising
Say I Love You in all sorts of creative ways
Sample new things
Save precious moments with pictures
Salvage and repair hurting and wounded relationships
Sacrifice more
Spend more time with family- immediate and extended
Skip complaining and whining
Saturate others with love and prayers
See the joy in everyday
Sigh less (Tony and Madison will love this resolution)
Smile more- to heck with the wrinkles it causes
Smile more- to heck with the wrinkles it causes
Spaghetti less
Stop keeping score
Search for God's calling daily
Seize the moment
Search for God's calling daily
Seize the moment
Spend less
Serve others
Serve others
Sonic less (This one will be tough!)
Shine God's love to others
Sing (but not in public because that would be cruelty to others)
Sit and be still
Sincerely work on getting out of debt
Stop pretending- be REAL
Smooch more
Start flossing daily
Shower others with kindnes
Shrug off the little things
Shower others with kindnes
Shrug off the little things
Spend time in silence
Swiftly deal with problems so they don't fester
Sow good deeds
Say thank you to God for the many blessings He gives me
My prayer for each of you is that God would
bless each of you in 2010 as never before!
All things are possible with God.
~Mark 10:27~
All things are possible with God.
~Mark 10:27~