It's been a busy week of
project finishing
farewell dinnering
(yes, I know that is not a word)
workshop attending
getting losting
(again, not a word)
(again, not a word)
workshop presenting
birthday celebrating
birthday party giving
house cleaning!
My poor little blog has been neglected lately and with sweet Dory and her family coming to visit on Sat. for the next week (woo stinkin' hoo!) I know I will be too busy playing to blog other than a tiny bit. But I do promise to come back soon with some new stories, pics of their visit, more randomness, and some new yummy recipes.
Until then, here a few fun links I've come across lately:
The "Blog" of Unnecessary Quotation Marks is a an absolute HOOT! It is full of signs that have unnecessary quotation marks. Too funny!
Pick The Perp is a ridiculous site where they post mug shots and your job is to decide who was booked for the listed crime. So ridiculous but so fun! (Thanks to Jennifer M. for this one!)
This tutorial on for making a recycle bag out of on an old t-shirt! What a brilliant idea!

Don't Quit is one of my favorite poems of all time. Here's a fabulous video of the poem!
This Cookie Dough Pie Recipe on Big Red Kitchen. com can be summed up in one word :YUM.
Have a wonderful weekend sweet friends!