Sat. evening Tony took Madison and I out to dinner and afterwards I asked to stop by Hobby Lobby for a few minutes. Anyone who knows me well knows I LOVE LOVE LOVE signs (and have quite a few) and I love the signs they have at Hobby Lobby. So on our way out of the store we went through the sign section and had such fun showing each other fun signs.
(In fact I found one sign that I simply HAVE to have. It magnetic and it says Count Your Blessings on it and has the cutest little fleur-de-lis magnets on it so you can add pictures to it- SO cute! I should have taken a picture of it to show you how cute it is! )

(Madison's face in this picture CRACKS me up! She's so silly and so much fun- I love that girl to pieces!
Thanks Maddie for being a good sport and letting me post this here! :)

(How cute is my hubby? Love his sign- truer words have never been said! :)
So the question for today is..........
If you had to wear a sign today- what would your sign say?