I absolutely loved reading all the great words each of you are going to focus on this year. It's exciting to me to begin a new year and to have a new focus.
As I read all the comments I so wished that I could make some sort of reminder for each and every one of you.
And so then I thought..........why can't I?
So that's exactly what I'm going to do!
First, I did choose 3 people to do word reminders just like mine.

So those winners are..........
5= Dory
7= BrickMama
15= Becky (and her sister)
But I'm also going to do something for each of the rest of you. You'll have to wait and see what but they will hopefully be a small reminder to help you keep focus this year.
So, here's what I need from each of you who left a comment on the JOY post to do. Please leave me a comment here and tell me what color(s) you would like for me to use for your word. Choosing colors for projects is always the hardest part for me- so if you'll give me an idea of what kinds of colors are your favorites I'll get started making them and send them to you soon! Also, if I don't already have your address, please email it to me.
I so enJOY doing creative things so I can't wait to get started on this fun project!