In addition to their search engine, Google is constantly coming up with new and exciting bells and whistles programs. Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Health, Gmail just to name a few.
But their newest venture absolutely takes the cake! As I read about it in this article, my mouth actually fell open in disbelief. Seriously.
It's called Mail Goggles. Basically it's a part of Gmail that was designed to stop people from sending embarrassing e-mails while drunk by requiring you to do math problems. You choose a level of difficulty and must do 5 problems correctly in 60 seconds in order for the email to be sent during the weekend hours of 10pm and 4am.
Basically it's a breathalyzer for your email.
All I could think of while reading this article was........are you kidding me?
Is this what our world has come to? Is there really that much of a problem with people sending email when they are drunk? How do they even manage to type or simply run their computers while drunk?
Seriously? Mail Goggles? Good night nurse.