
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Scripture Bags: January Edition

A few months ago I went to a fundraiser for our local maternity home. I drove home that night thinking that I wanted to start doing something for the sweet mamas staying at the home each month. I decided that surrounding them with scripture to remind them of God’s great love for them would be my goal and that each month I’d give them a bag full of scripture. As I finished the bags for this month and prayed for these sweet mamas this morning, I thought I’d share what I put in each bag in case you have someone that needs to be reminded how loved they are. It only takes a few minutes and can cost almost nothing!

In the bags this month I included:

  • The Faith Scripture Writing plan. You can print out a copy HERE
  • A copy of the Counting the Fruit worksheet. You can print out a copy HERE
  • Exodus 14:14 print. You can print out a copy HERE
  • A coaster of Micah 5:5 I created a few years ago. 
  • A small devotional book. I found these at Hobby Lobby near the checkout area and they were only $2.49. You can find them HERE
  • A magnet with Mark 9:23 on it. These I found at Hobby Lobby near the cards. They had tons of verses and were only 99 cents each! You can find this one HERE
  • A printable that reminds they they are chosen, redeemed, adopted, brave, forgiven and beloved. You can print out a copy HERE

Total it cost me about $4 a bag. It doesn’t have to be expensive at all- you can truly use what you have! 

Pray for God to show you someone who needs a little encouragement and a reminder that they are loved and create your own Scripture Bag surprise for them today!

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