
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Devotional Books I Adore

I often get messages asking me what my favorite devotional books are so I thought I would 
share all of my favorites for anyone who is looking for one to use to start their day.  
(And if you don't start your day with a devotion or some time just reading God's word, I highly recommend it. 
Focusing on the WORD before the WORLD makes a huge difference in my day 
and keeps me grounded and focused on what is truly important!)

I get to work super early and the first thing I do is my bible reading/scripture 
writing and then read a morning devotion or two. 
While some people use the same devotional book all year long, I am not that girl. 
Instead I rotate and alternate through several different devotional books
 each year - some year long devotionals and some topical. 

I also have most of these books in a physical copy AND a Kindle copy. 
Why? Because when I travel I don't want to carry them all around. 
(Hey...Did you know that once you buy a physical copy, 
you can purchase a Kindle copy super inexpensively? You can!)

Below are my current favorites including a link to each one and a little info about it: 

This book includes 365 useful, practical, encouraging and convicting devotions.
Paul is an honest, straightforward writer who constantly reminds us in these devotions 
that Jesus came to save us from ourselves and that we desperately need Him. 

This book includes 40 five word prayers to pray when you aren't sure what to pray. 
My copy is well used and so greatly loved!
It includes prayers like.....
"I need you desperately today" and "Please give me strength now".
Lisa is so authentic and genuine and I adore her writing so!
And if you aren't listening to her daily podcast, Jesus Over Everything, 
(You should also be following Lisa on Instagram!)

This book includes 100 devotions full of godly perspective on the issues we face each day. 
Lysa's writing is real and honest and full of fabulous, relate-able stories. 

This book includes 100 devotions to remind us where God is in this mess 
of our lives and how He is always working for each of us.
Melanie is so genuine and I love her sense of humor. 
Reading this book makes me feel like I am sitting down and chatting with a girlfriend. 

This book includes 60 devotions all focused on finding grace in our everyday lives. 
Ann's writing style is beautiful and truly helps open the readers eyes to the blessings God has given us all around each day in the little and the big things- in the good times and the bad times. 

This book includes 100 devotions that focus on targeting and banishing lies and insecurities 
and focuses on reminding us of our identity in Christ. 
This topical devotion book is packed of godly wisdom and one I use as someone who often feels like I can be too much and not enough- sometimes on the same day. 
(And go follow Jess on Instagram, she is one of my favorites in Instagram stories!)

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