
Friday, July 20, 2018

He is My Strength

I recently started taking yoga (which I love!) and because I only have half of my balance nerves (my right side balance nerves were severed during my brain surgery so I’m kind of like a weeble- I wobble but don’t usually fall down) there are some poses, like tree pose, that are extremely difficult and challenging for me. The first time I did tree pose I literally almost fell over. What I have had to learn over the past few weeks is that I must lean on my supports while doing poses like the tree pose- at least initially. It’s not an option, it’s something I must do or I will fall down. I must lean in and steady myself with something that is unchangeable and that I know I can count on- like the wall or bar. Doing so turns my super wobbly pose into a solid, secure one and eventually I can let go.

As I stood in tree pose in class last night I thought about what a perfect analogy my tree pose in yoga is for how I am in life. I go along and try to do all sorts of things in my own strength- only to get super weary and wobbly and ultimately fall down. But, when I stop and am reminded that God is my strength and that He is steady and secure, and I can lean on Him, then I am rock solid strong.

Isaiah 40: 28-31 reminds us of this where it says….
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” NIV

These verses are full of reminders that:
1. God is in control. He is. Not us. He is all seeing, all knowing, all powerful and has NO limits. Isaiah doesn’t start in these verses immediately talking about what needs to be done. He stops and says….Hey, don’t you remember who God is? He is God who loves us with an always and forever love. We can count on it and rest in it- even in (and especially when) life is crazy around us.
2. God is everlasting.
3. God is the creator of the ends of the earth.
4. God is infinite in His energy. He is ALWAYS working and NEVER tires or gets weary.
5. God is unchangeable. Even when life makes no sense to us, God’s not ever confused or perplexed or overwhelmed.
6. God is strong. Always.
7. God is generous. He isn’t just powerful, He wants US to walk in power with Him. He meets our weakness with His strength.

When we seek it, God gives us an ample supply of HIS strength. I don’t know about you but for that I am so crazy thankful.  He has his eyes on me and holds me in the palm of His mighty hand. When I start to fall (and I WILL fall) in my own strength, He will catch me.

 My prayer today is that we are reminded to lean into Him and His strength and to draw from His power when we feel weak. To steady ourselves on the only true thing we can count on in this world-Jesus.

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