
Monday, May 14, 2018

I think for most of us prayer about BIG things comes pretty easily. We go to God to pray for those huge concerns and issues we have which is good because God is all knowing, all powerful, all loving- He is a BIG God. He moves and shows himself mighty in the huge things (parting a whole entire Red Sea for one BIG example). But that same, big God also cares about the small things in our lives, even down to the exact numbers of hair on your head. In our little minds and hearts, the BIG and small things are drastically different in significance and importance. But to God- nothing is too large or too small for Him to care about - absolutely NOTHING. Absolutely every person and every single thing matters to Him, no matter how large or how tiny it is to our human minds. 

It's easy to think....God has bigger concerns than my silly problems to deal with, I don't want to bother Him with this trivial issue because He has more important things to do. But that is a lie from Satan. God DOES care about things big and small. He reminds us of this in Philippians 4:6 where it says...."Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." It doesn't say, only the big things. 

So today my prayer is that we are reminded to come to Him about the big things
 (and trusting that He WILL move in them) 
but also to pray for the small things and concerns in our lives. 
Remember, He loves you greatly and you are so important to Him 
He knows the number of hairs on your head!

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