
Sunday, January 22, 2017

God of Details

God is truly a God of details and for that I am so very thankful! 
This morning I woke with a super stinky headache & my sweet hubby has bronchitis
 & so we stayed home from church.

I happened to open Facebook on my iPad right about the time our church starts a
nd saw that for the first time our church service was on Facebook Live!
 I don't believe in coincidences- not only did I get to attend church in my pj's from home 
BUT they sang a song that I so needed to hear this morning! 
(Don't have a church to watch online? Check out mine- Central Baptist HERE
We would love for you to join us!)

During my brain tumor journey the song and phrase that I clung to like no other was: 
God is Able. 
He reminded me of this truth over and over and over again during those scary months.

When I clicked on Facebook live this am, what song was just starting? 
God is Able! 
Thankful for a God who loves me so that He provides exactly 
what I need, exactly when I need it!

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