
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Courage Scripture Writing Plan CORRECTION

So I don't know about you but I am FAR
 from perfect and make mistakes all the time. 
I mess up.
Big and oh so often.

If you are doing the Courage Scripture Writing Plan this month than you are 
going to notice on the 22nd that I made a mistake.

The verses for the 22nd are the same verses for 1st. 
This wasn't intentional- just an oversight on my part.
(Truth: I was hurrying to post the Courage plan 
and didn't have my sweet proofreading friend check it. Haste makes waste!)
I apologize and will replace the linked version with a corrected plan soon.

For the 22nd you can...
write 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 in a different translation 
or pick a favorite set of verses to write!

Thank you for understanding and grace! 

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