
Saturday, February 28, 2015

March Scripture Writing Plan

NOTE: If you get a permissions error when trying to find one of the scripture writing plan, it just means it's being updated or their might be a newer version. Just click the blog header above so that you are taken to the most recent version of the scripture writing plans!  Occasionally there are mistakes and changes to the plan and those are done on the most recent version.  Thank you!  

2015 is flying by so quickly! 
How can it possibly be March already? 

I've heard from so many readers and friends this month saying
how much they enjoyed the February Scripture Reading Plan and
asking if I was doing one every month, so here it is!

I love writing them each day and it is so awesome how
the verses of the day are EXACTLY what I need to read. 
Even if I am a day off {which I often am} they seem to be spot on. 
I love how God works! 

You can print your own copy HERE.

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