
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


So one of my goals for the year was to be more transparent. 
To be more honest. 
To be more real. 

It's easy to look at other women and think they have it all together.
To think that they have a beautifully decorated house, 
perfect children, clean closets, a full bank account,
the best job ever and a dreamy marriage-
and that in comparison we are a big hot mess
and don't measure up.

I think with the increase in social media it's easier
 than ever to feel like we are a big failure in a world full of perfect ladies.
Like we are the ONLY one who doesn't have all of her ducks in a row. 

We compare our reality to others
posed, cropped, filtered, and edited pictures
we see on Facebook and Instagram
and become discouraged.

But here's the thing sweet friends....NO ONE has it all together.

I NEVER want anyone to think I have it all together because
If you think I do, you are sadly mistaken.
I am a big, giant, saved by grace MESS.

In order to be more transparent
and to help us all realize that we are not alone,
 I decided to start

Each Wednesday on Facebook or Instagram I post several things 
about myself {usually super embarrassing} 
to let others know that I am indeed FAR from having it all together.

The first time I posted I was immediately sick to my stomach thinking....
"Why in the world did I just share all THAT on Facebook?"
But the response I got was overwhelming
and so positive!

So many friends said things like...
Thank you for making us see that we're all a little messy 
or lazy and not perfect at everything we do. 
Here's my confession......

Since then I've looked forward to every single Wednesday because 
I know that as soon as I post my own confessions, 
others will post theirs and I just LOVE reading them! 

Here are a few more of my posts.
I wish I could post the responses because they are AWESOME!

So if you'd like to join me, just comment below 
or come over to Facebook and join me for #keepingitrealwednesday! 

And please sweet friends, remember.....
{and that's okay!}

Print your own copy HERE. 

Psalm 139:14 says....
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

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