
Sunday, January 22, 2012

God Never Hurries

Those who know me know that I usually move at a pretty high rate of speed.
I've been described as energizer bunny-ish.
{Sometimes I think I'm more tazmanian devilish!}
I know that when people say it, they mean it as a compliment, 
however I don't really think of it as a positive trait. 

It seems the older I get, the more of a hurry I seem to be in each day.
Always thinking of the task ahead of me and the task beyond that.
Of the next item on my very long list and the one after that. 

Sadly I've realized that by doing that, 
by working and moving so quickly and always multi-tasking, 
I often miss the joy of the moment.

I miss the the joy of actually being where I am, 
with the people I am with- 
focused completely on them.

And so I am constantly and continually working on that. 
Trying hard to be in the moment. 
To enjoy where I am and what I am doing instead of thinking ahead. 
Slowing down and reveling in the task and people before me. 

I recently came across this quote by A.W. Tozer that 
reminded me that God....He never hurries. 



God Never Hurries

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