
Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Morning Question of the Day

I'm the queen of getting things done on Saturday. 

 My motto has always been......get the work done, THEN we can play. 

 I've always thought that the house should be clean, 
the groceries purchased, 
and the laundry done, 
and THEN we can relax or do something fun. 

But my sweet friend Donna said something this past week
 that has made me rethink my Saturday motto.

We were talking about how quickly time
 passes as your children get older. 

She turned to me at one point and she said......

Those high school years will go by so quickly. 
Once she starts high school, you'll only have about 
200 Saturdays until Madison goes off to college. 

I counted it up and it's 237 from now. 

I thought about that all that that night and ever since. 
237 Saturdays until she's off to college. 
237 is not that many Saturdays. 
Not nearly enough. 

The question I keep rolling around in my mind is.....
 what do I want her to remember about how we spent our Saturdays?

Do I want her to remember that we ALWAYS cleaned?

Do I want her to remember that FUN was last on the list?

Do I want her to remember that a clean house
 was more important than us spending time together?

The answer to those questions is...
and HECK NO.

So this Momma is working on figuring out ways to move those
 Saturday "chores" to other nights of the week so that those 237 days, 
can be lived to the fullest! 

What about you?
Do you work or play on Saturday?

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