
Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Best of 2009- December 6

I'm doing The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge by Gwen Bell.

December 6
Workshop or Conference
Was there a conference or workshop that
you attended that was especially beneficial?
Where was it? What did you learn?

I've been blessed this year with a new job
as a Technology Integration Specialist-
a job that I absolutely LOVE!

As a result, I've been to quite a few conferences and workshop
(Smart Response, Smart Board, ipods & Flip Cams, Moodle to name a few)
and learn so very much at each and every single one.
I learn fabulous new ways to use to technology and in turn I get to show my teachers how to integrate that technology into their classrooms.

I truly love learning new things and
would go to a workshop each week if I could.
I've got several scheduled for next year and
can't wait to see what I get to learn next year!

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