
Monday, August 3, 2009

It's the Little Things- A Prayer for the New Week

I read this beautiful prayer on one of my favorite blogs

It absolutely sums up my heart on so many days and I hope it blesses you as it blessed me!

Prayer for a New Week

by Holley Gerth

A new week is beginning...
already I feel the rush.

Slow me down, Lord.

Slow me to the beat of Your heart.

I think of Your words that say
those who wait on You
will run and not grow weary--
and I remember that rest
is not about lack of motion
but rather moving forward with You
so that activity is a blessing not a burden.

I will run this week--there is much to do
but help me do so in a way
that keeps me by Your side.

Waiting and working,
only You could tie those together.

Please do so for me today.


PS If you would like a copy of this prayer to print out, I made one in Word that I would be happy to share with you.

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