
Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Church Experiment

Last Sat. evening I was talking to my sweet friend Jen on Facebook and she told me about a blog that she thought I would like.

The blog is written by Steve Fuller and is called The Church Experiment.

The Church Experiment is his plan to visit 52 churches in 52 weeks in 2009. He visits a church on Sunday and then blogs about his experience.

Here's a quote from his blog about his plan:

I have a very limited view of church (through my experiences at the Vineyard and D'VINE) and God (because I am a skeptic), so I just want to make myself available, see what is out there, and then write about what happens. My goal is to attend a different church every week of 2009 (that is 52 churches), and write about the variety of experiences - good, bad, and ugly. I am planning to wear the exact same outfit every week (just to see how easily I am accepted based on appearance), and I will try my best to keep an open mind as I take part in the unique customs of that particular denomination and specific church.

I spent last Sat. night and early Sunday morning reading about his experiences. It was fascinating to read his observations and each entry truly made me think. He's visiting all types of churches- and for someone like myself who has only ever attended Baptist churches- it's been fascinating for me to read.

If you'd like to follow his journey- start HERE- and then follow the church links on the right side of the page.

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