
Friday, July 11, 2008

Missed Blessings

I found an amazing blog today. Lisa is oh so wise and oh so wonderful! She's a speaker and an author (I just ordered this book and can't wait to get it) and is such a joy to read. I so needed to read her words this morning and am so thankful that God caused me to stumble upon her sweet blog.

I read this post several times, marveling each time how perfectly it seemed written just for me.

It's a post about how she missed out on something wonderful- on a true blessing- because of pride, stubbornness, and a desire to control things. It is something that I struggle with.




Here is a fabulous quote from this entry:

I wonder how many times God has a blessing for me that I miss out on because I try to control His will for my life. I wonder how many beautiful things He wants to give me that I unknowingly reject because of my pride and fear. I wonder why I ever think I know the best way or the most beneficial path and why I don’t trust Him to handle things for me. I wonder why things that look messy and unattractive to me at first glance cause me to shy away from them, even with the knowledge that God often uses the less glamorous things in life to bestow on us unexpected bountiful blessings.

I KNOW that I have missed out on blessings God intended for me simply because I tried to control things. Simply because I tried to handle things without first going to Him. Simply because I judged based on appearances. Simply because I am prideful. Simply because I don't fall to my knees and ask for His guidance and His help and instead try to do things on my own.

And that makes me so very, very sad. It's hard to imagine how many things, events, and people I have missed out on that God intended to bless me with because of my own foolishness.

But mercifully each day is a new day. And God's mercies are new every morning. And for that I am so very thankful.

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

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