
Friday, August 24, 2007

Peanut Butter Brownie Trifle (AKA Glue)

My step daughter Tootie saw me making this dessert one day. She walked into the kitchen, glanced into the mixing bowl as I was mixing up the pudding part and said "It looks like GLUE". From that day forward, this dessert has been known in our house as GLUE! It is my father-in-law's absolute favorite and I try to make it just about every time we go to visit him. It's usually a huge hit when I take it somewhere so I often make a double batch.

1 pkg. brownie mix (9 x 13 inch size)
1 lg. pkg. (5.1 oz) vanilla instant pudding
3 cups milk
½ c creamy peanut butter
2 t vanilla
1 large tub Cool Whip
3 c Reese’s peanut butter cups, chopped into small pieces

Prepare brownie mix according to the directions on package. Bake and cool completely. (I usually under-bake a bit so the brownies are gooey!) Cut brownies into ¾ inch pieces using a sharp knife. Combine pudding mix and milk. Beat at low speed for 2 minutes. Add peanut butter and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Gently fold in ½ of Cool Whip. Place ½ of brownies in a large bowl, top with ½ of the peanut butter cups and half of the pudding mixture. Repeat layers. Cover with remaining Cool Whip.

Time including baking: About 45 minutes if you unwrapped the peanut butter cups while the brownies are cooking.

TIP OF THE DAY: Here's an easy way to make brownies or bars without having to struggle to get them out of the pan and a dirty pan to clean when you are through. Start by lining a 9 x 13 inch pan with foil; allow to extend 2 inches out of both ends. Spray foil with cooking spray and pour batter into pan. Bake and cool for about 15 minutes. Lift foil out of pan. Invert brownies or bars onto cutting board; remove foil and cut. Throw away foil and the pan is spotless!

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