
Monday, August 28, 2017

September Scripture Writing Plan: Joy

Happy almost September friends!
The new topical plan for this month is over something
I don't think we look for enough in our lives:

My prayer is that every verse in this plan is a reminder 
to you of God's plan for us to have and find the joy in our lives!

I made the plan 31 days and plan to do that with
 all topical plans in the future so that they can be done any month-
not just the month I write them for.

You can find a copy of the plan in English and Spanish
in the folder HERE.

You can also find an iPhone lock screen with the plan on it HERE.

Below is the plan for the month of  September from last year.
You can download a copy in the folder HERE

At the urging of some blog readers, I've also created a long version of the plan this month
and placed it in my ETSY store HERE.

It a 127 page printable digital file that includes:
-The 31 Day Scripture Writing Plan on the topic of JOY
-A page for each day with the verse written out in NIV version with space for you to write the verse
-A page for each day with the verse written out in The Message with space for you to write the verse
-A page for each day to write observations, keywords, and takeaways from the verses
-A page to write next steps, prayers, and applications from the verses
-A page with six printable JOY verse cards

Here are a few sample sheets:


It's perfect to print and bind or put in a notebook.  
It would also be great to print and give someone as a gift! 

Lunchbox Notes

After seeing someone using some of my printables used as lunchbox notes 
I decided it was a GREAT idea ...
so I gathered some together and created a few new ones 
and put them together in a set to sell in my ETSY store

There are 48 little notes- 8 per page. 
They are perfect to put in a lunchbox, locker, backpack, mirror, 
placing on their pillow at night or even for grown up friends who need a little encouragement. 
A kind word goes a long way when someone is having a bad day! 

If you are interested, you can purchase the set HERE.  

First Day of School Teacher & Parent Prayers

Years ago while still teaching in the classroom
I found this fabulous prayer online somewhere. 
I have no idea who wrote it {there was no attribution} 
but I absolutely fell in LOVE with it.
I truly believe it's the prayer 
a teacher should pray every single day of the school year. 

As we head back to school (hopefully tomorrow if this crazy rain will stop)
wouldn't it be a fabulous present to give to a teacher as a first day of school gift?

While on Pinterest one day recently I came across this fabulous 
first day of school prayer for parents! 
I love it so and thought it would be great to share along with the teacher prayer. 
I can think of no better way as a parent to start 
the school year than praying this beautiful prayer!

You can print a JPG or PDF copy of both HERE.

Monday, August 14, 2017

The One who Calls you IS Faithful!

I don't know about you, but I so often need the reminder 
that I don't have to FEEL qualified to do what God is calling me to do.  
If He calls me, HE will do it. 

1 Thessalonians 5:24 is one of my absolute favorite verses and one that I cling to 
when I feel like I am not equipped or prepared or able to do what 
God has before me which honestly... is ALL the time. 
There is such comfort to me knowing it's not up to ME! 

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

It's easy to name all the things that will fail us in this world. 
All people (even those we love the most) will disappoint us and let us down. 
All things in our lives will break and fall apart.
Man's promises WILL certainly be broken. 
But God's promises...will NEVER be broken. 
If He said it, He WILL do it. 

God IS faithful. Faithful is WHO He is. 
He always keeps His word because if He did not, he would not be God!

Everything that God says and does is absolutely 100% certain. 
He is dependable and certain. 
He does not fail or forget or falter or change or disappoint. EVER. 
 He says what He means and does what He says.

My prayer is that if you are feeling overwhelmed tonight, 
you are reminded that if He has called you (or me) to it, 
He WILL do it (and equip you to do it). 
That you are able to rest in the knowledge that His calling comes with an equipping. 
It's not up to you, it's up to Him!

You can print a PDF or JPG copy HERE! 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Cards for Your Child Going Away to College

Sending your child away to college is hard y'all. 
It doesn't matter if they are 10 minutes away or 12 hours away. 
It's like sending your heart away and it's hard not to worry that 
you won't be there when they need you. 

So when my sweet girl left for college her freshman year, I bought a bunch of cards, 
wrote in them, labeled them 
(For when you are sad, For when you are sick, for when you are homesick, 
For when you need a reminder you are loved, etc) 
and put them in a box tied with a bow.

My mama did this for me when I went away to Baylor too and
 I remembered how much I loved those handwritten cards. 

Because as much as I loved college, there were times when I so missed my mama 
and those cards were such a sweet reminder of her.

When we moved her into her dorm I placed the box in Madison's drawers to find after we left.
 I wasn't sure if she read them but when we were unpacking her things in her
 new apartment her sophomore year I saw the box.
When she saw me holding the almost empty box- she asked. 
"You are going to write me some more cards, right?" 
So of course I did. 

And as I wrote in them I thought of how much my mama 
would have loved me carrying on that tradition. 

If you have a child headed off to college and want to do this for them- here are the cards from the second year in case you need some ideas other than the ones above.

 (Note: Hobby Lobby has a great selection of cards 
that are perfect for this and are super inexpensive!)

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