
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness 2012

So I shared the other day that I was planning a BIG RAOK for my upcoming birthday 
and wondered if you all would be willing to donate towards it- 
because it's going to be a little costly.  
And you guys......... YOU ROCK!
{Seriously you do!}

I had so many sweet comments and emails saying you'd love to 
donate that it almost made me cry! 
What kind and sweet hearts you all have!

So as I promised, here is my idea and a way for you to donate if you feel led to do so! 
This year instead of just performing 42 Random Acts of Kindness, 
I'm having a Random Acts of Kindness Birthday party! 
I'm inviting all my friends and family to join me on a Sunday afternoon and 
together we are going to do as many RAOK as we can!  
Instead of gifts, I'm asking my friends to bring items to help us with the RAOK 
{like quarters for the candy machines, laundry detergent for the laundromat, etc.}

In addition {and this is where the need for some $ comes in} I have rented a mobile snow cone truck for the afternoon and we are going to travel around and hand out snow cones to kids in some of the poorer neighborhoods in our town. 
 If time {and money} allows, we will also go hand them out at some fire and police stations and even any construction sites we can find workers at. 
Won't that be so much fun? 

The owner of the snow cone truck has been so kind and has given me a 
break on the price of truck rental and the price per snow cone. 
In addition to the truck rental cost which I am covering myself, each cone will cost $1.50. 
So, the more money I raise, the more kids will get snow cones! 

I've created three kindness printables. 
Below them is a PayPal Donate button for you to donate if you feel led to do so. 
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping!
Each and every single one of you is a huge blessing to me!


Friday, February 24, 2012

Super Random Question

For the past several years I've done random acts of kindness to correspond with my age for my birthday. Here's what I did on my 40th and my 41st birthdays! So so so so so much fun! Truly the BEST way ever to spend a birthday!

So I have this SUPER FABULOUS idea for my 42 random acts of kindness for my birthday next month {which I will share with you soon!} but in order for it to happen, I'm going to need to fundraise for it. I usually pay for all the RAOK myself but this one is BIG and will be out of my budget by myself. 

So my question to you is this: If I were to create a cute set of printables do you think people would be willing to pay $1 or $2 for them? This would give me the funds to do this BIG RAOK. 

I've never sold any of my signs but since this is for others and not for me I'm considering it. 

I'm so excited about this idea {so excited I can't sleep!} and really want to make it happen. 

So what do you think?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today's Motto

Today........and every day!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Randomness on Monday Night

1.  It's been a sweet forever since my little old bloggity blog has 
had a spruce up so I decided it was time! 
{If you are reading this in a reader, click on over to see what I am talking about!}
I'm still playing with it and moving some things around but I think I really like this new look!
I tried to make it a little less crowded, a little cleaner look, simplified. 
So what do you think? 

2. Reading this book right now
and y' is GOOD.
Challenging. Thought provoking.
And so very good. 

3. One of my goals for 2012 is to re-memorize the books of the Bible. 
I know most of the new testament but struggle sometimes in the old testament. 
Well this may sound super nerdy but I found the coolest app to help me!
It's called Bible Books 
Bible Books is a fun and easy game that uses several different memorization techniques to help you learn the names and books of the bible.

4. Saw the movie The Vow this weekend and it was such a sweet story. 
If you are on Pinterest you've probably seen this but it's so true!
{he is YUMMY!}

5. This video is absolutely RIDICULOUS but so dang funny!
{be sure to listen to the song}
Talk about a piggy back ride! 

6. When I was little I had this book and loved it!
I saw it on Pinterest the other day and can not stop thinking about it.
It's a book all about making fun drawing from thumbprints. 
Would it be weird for a 41 year old to order it for herself?
Doesn't it look like fun?

7. My birthday is coming up and I have a super fun idea this year for doing my 
42 Random Acts of Kindness and I'm SO stinkin' excited about it! 
{Here's what I did on my 40th and my 41st birthdays! So so so so so much fun!
Truly the BEST way ever to spend a birthday!}
I'm working on the details now and will share my plans with you soon! 

 8. Can't stop on an odd number so.........
ask ME a question and I'll answer it! :) 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Small Things

I think that sometimes in this world of Pinterest 
{land of a million awesome ideas that I wish I had the time or creativity for}
 and Facebook {where it seems everyone has a fabulous marriage, children, life} 
it's easy to feel insignificant and unimportant.
To tend to think that the things we do need to be extraordinary and amazing and BIG.

I think that when we feel we can't do things on a grand scale, 
that the acts of love we have to offer are
too little, too insignificant, too minor, too small
we often seem to just give up and do nothing instead. 

This quote by Mother Teresa is such a great reminder
 that when we show love it doesn't have to be grand to be genuine. 
That we are to love in the small things.
The simple words, gestures, hugs, and smiles.
To simply love without getting tired. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Conversation between 2 fourth grade boys in the hallway. 

Boy #1: What's your least favorite part of Valentine's Day? 


{I thought to myself -Oh sweet boy.....just wait a few years 
and I'm pretty sure your opinion will change!}

Hope your day was full of love, hearts, candy, flowers, 
being reminded how loved you are and smooches!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cutie Patootie

Here are a few more printable Valentines if you need a last minute one. 
I can't believe it's already Valentine's Day! 
This year is FLYING by!
{I made this one for my sweet girl- full of the names I call often call her!}

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I love you a bushel and a peck!

I've said this to my sweet girl millions of times during her life! 
I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!

Hold Everything Lightly

I love this quote by Corrie ten Boom {LOVE her}. 
It's such a great reminder that the things of this earth
even those we love the most, 
are temporal. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

You are MORE

You are MORE.....
than the choices that you make, 
than the sum of your past mistakes,
than the problems you create,
you've been remade!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet Dory

My sweet friend Dory lives in 
while I live all the way in
See how far apart they are? 
WAY too far away.

Anyone know a way to move those two closer together? 
Like just move a few of the states out of the way? 

Today is her birthday 
and it makes me super stinkin' sad 
that I can't celebrate with her. 

Since I can't tell her in person I thought I'd tell her here. 

sweet friend!

You truly are one of my greatest earthly blessings
and I honestly don't know what I'd do without you! 

I love you much and pray your day is fabulous, fun, and 
full of being reminded how loved you are!

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