
Friday, October 29, 2010

Flashback Friday

I love this sweet picture of my grandmother, aunt, and my mother (the baby). 
My grandmother was a beautiful lady- inside and out
 and I love seeing pics of her as a striking young mother. 
It looks like they are sitting on newspaper? 
I miss these three ladies so!  

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Morning Question of the Day

Since it's Halloween week, 
what is your favorite kind of Halloween candy?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Flashback Friday

This is my favorite Flashback Friday picture of all times. 
This picture is of my grandmother and grandfather Kope
 at our house on Christmas morning. 

When I found this picture this summer I laughed so hard! 

Here's what cracks me up:

1. The look on my grandfather's face. 
He looks like.....UM, what the heck?

2. The fact that my grandmother is helping him open it. 

3. The fact that someone obviously bought them 
a GREEN toilet seat with a FROG on it. 
Who does that? Why? 
Where do you even get something like that?

4. The fact that we took a picture of such a fabulous gift. 
I LOVE this picture! 

Thursday, October 21, 2010


This is amazing and beautiful! 

And here is where David Crowder talks about the process of making this video!

Disconnect to Connect

This video from Thailand is beautiful.  
Disconnecting is something I definitely need to do more often!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Randomness on a Tuesday Morning

1. What great guesses you guys had about what angers me each Sunday morning!
 Erin was the first to get it right- it's people who leave
 during the invitation and offering at the end of the service. 
(And there are LOTS who do it every single week!)

It absolutely makes me want to scream. 
To me what it's saying is....
I am more important than anyone else here
and waiting in line to get out of the parking lot is 
simply not something I am going to do. 

Unless someone is old and using a walker, 
there truly is no reason I can see for leaving early- 
other than being selfish and it makes me mad. 
And sad. 

2. Last night I was helping Madison study for a vocabulary test and we had the best time. 
It was late and I was tired and silly and we started coming up with ridiculous ways for her to remember the definitions.  I laughed so hard I cried and may have even tee-teed in my panties I laughed so hard. 
I will laugh all day long thinking of her sitting in the quiet classroom laughing while imagining her mother standing there making funny motions and sounds to help her remember the words. I love that silly girl!
(A few of the words were: taciturn, indigenous, assuage, garish)

3. This Friday night at the football game the dad's are dancing with the drill team.  
It should be absolutely hysterical and I can't wait!  
Madison has asked her dad to dance with her and
 so this afternoon he's driving in for practice at 6pm. 
 He has his two boys (aged 7 and 8) tonight and will have to bring them-
 because his other exwife is getting married this weekend 
and has last minute wedding plans to attend to.
So guess who's going to babysit them? 
How random/ironic/a little weird is that?
Taking care of  your ex-husband's
Not awkward one little bit. :) 
(I actually offered because I know how much Madison wanted him to dance with her.)

4. I'm having surgery next month and feel like I need 
to get WAY ahead during the next few weeks. 
Is it unreasonable to think that I can get
 four weeks ahead in everything in my life? 
Both at home and at work? 
Surely I can do it, right?

5. Any suggestions for good books you've read lately? 
I'm stockpiling books for after my surgery 
and would love any suggestions you might have. 

6. This is a fabulous article for dad's. 
This is a beautifully written, precious letter from a mom to her daughter. 

7. We went to see my new nephew Cash this past weekend 
and he is so stinkin' adorable. 
Seriously precious.

8. Can't stop on 7 because it's not an even number so here's one of my new favorite quotes:

‎"We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God, 

who regards not the greatness of the work,

 but the love with which it is performed." 

~ Brother Lawrence~

Happy Tuesday everyone! 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Morning Question of the Day

We go to a large church where the average attendance is
 probably around 3,500 people in our Sunday morning service. 

And every Sunday morning,
 every SINGLE Sunday morning
something occurs at church that makes me absolutely ANGRY. 

It makes me so crazy that I want to stand up and yell at people-
and if you know me, it takes lots to make me angry. 

Can you guess what it is? 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Flashback Friday

This picture of me and my sister makes me laugh. 

From the lovely hairdo and goofy look I am sporting 
(so needs a barrette or a bow), 
to the cute matching outfits that we are wearing 
(that my mom MADE for us), 
to the fact that there appears to be a Santa Claus stuffed animal sitting 
between us when it is obviously summer time 
(what is up with that?),
it cracks me up! 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pics from my iPhone this past 2 weeks

1. The makings of a mum 
(I'll blog about that later this week because I recently found out that
 homecoming mums are a Texas thing and Mum asked me to!)

2. A cute alligator that I found in the hospital gift shop 
and sent to a friend who collects them to see if she wanted him. 
 (she did :)

3. The parking lot I was looking at while waiting for Madison 
when sweet Dory sent me a pic of the sunset at the beach. 
(there was no comparison)

4. A cute little Charlie Brown onesie that 
I bought for my new little nephew Cash! 

5. My adorable new little nephew Cash!
Isn't he precious?

6. Some cute leopard print clogs that one of my nurses was wearing. 
I took the pic to send to Dory to show her. 

7. A picture I took the night I spent in the ICU 
waiting room while my dad was there. 
My sweet friend Sherri brought me dinner that night- 
with NO pickles!

8. A pic of her son my sweet friend Sherri sent me 
when they were at the Arkansas vs. Texas A&M game this past weekend.  
Obviously they are die hard Arkansas fans! 
Isn't it a hoot?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Morning Question of the Day

What's one TV show currently on that 
you think everyone should watch?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Flashback Friday

This is one of the only pictures my dad has with his father, who died when he was young. 
I love this picture for that reason. 
If I didn't know better, I would have thought that this was MY daddy-
 they looked so much alike. 
I love the guy standing to the side- I wish I knew who he was. 
You can tell this picture was taken in the 40's
 because the phone number on the wrecker has only 3 digits. 
Can you imagine? 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You Are.....

You are not your past
You are not your failures
You are not your parents
You are not your sister
You are not your regrets
You are not your sin
You are not your weight
You are not your divorce
You are not your unemployment
You are not the choices someone else made for you
You are not your brokenness
You are not your bitterness
You are not your abuse
You are not your loneliness
You are not your marital status
You are not your tax bracket
You are not your crisis

This is who YOU are:
You are loved
You are forgiven
You are redeemed
You are destined
You are set apart
You are a new creation
You are valued
You are gifted
You are chosen
You are prized
You are reconciled
You are called
You are noticed
You are pursued
You are a child of The King
You are a co-heir with Christ
You are a royal priesthood
You are adored, cherished and treasured by the God of this universe.

When you choose to stop living out who you are not
 and you start to live in who you are.....
It changes everything.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thoughts from the CCU at 4:49am

I've been at the hospital for almost 24 with my dad who had surgery to remove blockage in the carotid artery in the right side of his neck.  He's doing fairly well but has been in CCU since about noon yesterday.  We are hoping that after they get him up and walking this morning he will be released.  As I've sat in this waiting room for the last many, many hours (I can only see him at 5:30am, 9:30am, 1pm, 5:30pm, and  8pm) I've thought of many things.  

Here are just a few:

  • It is painful to watch people find out their loved one is going to die.  Truly heartbreaking. And I've seen it 4 times in the last day. Heartbreaking.
  • I am blessed to have such sweet friends.  Truly blessed.
  • God works in mysterious and amazing ways.  He is truly awesome.
  • Hospital waiting rooms become like families after dark.  You share snacks, books, blankets- everything- with people you just met. 
  • The chairs in CCU are NOT meant for sleeping. AT ALL. Especially if you have a herniated disc.  
  • You have no secrets in the waiting room.  You can hear every phone conversation and conversation with a doctor that goes on.
  • People handle grief and pain differently. Some laugh, some cry, some are silent, some are LOUD, some yell, some curse.  There is no right way. 
  • As much as I hate that I am here, I am thankful that I've been here to pray for so many hurting, devastated families. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Morning Question of the Day

I have no control when it comes to those little candy pumpkins. 

What about you? 
What's something you have no control with?

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