Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gambling Girl

A gambler I am NOT.

A risk taker I am NOT.

Lucky, I am NOT.

So on a super fun trip to Churchill Downs (home of the Kentucky Derby) this past Sat. I did not expect to win or even bet on a race.

But after a short lesson from Dory's super sweet husband on horse racing, I decided to give it a try. Based on the best odds and the fact that the horse was wearing pink (that's a great reason to choose a horse, don't you think?) I chose number 8 and went to the window to place my bet.

The horses lined up and they were off!

It was so fun to cheer for my horse- even though he was behind for most of the race.

Imagine my surprise when he pulled ahead and WON the race!

Go me! (And horse number 8!)

(Want to guess what I did with that $21 I won?)

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