Thursday, August 28, 2008


The first week of school is a combination of excitement, fun, exhaustion, hard work, lots of changes, being flexible, and having tired feet. Around Thursday of the week all teachers seem to hit a wall. We're tired, we're a tad cranky (some more than a tad), we are overwhelmed, we have mountains of work to do, and we are ready for the weekend. We've eaten way too much chocolate and had way too many Sonic drinks.

Today is Thursday so today was that day.

I say WAS that day because early this morning a sweet friend sent me a video.

And let me tell you, it was exactly what I needed to see and hear.


It's a video of a precious young man who gave the keynote speech for the Dallas ISD staff at the beginning of their staff development day this year. He is wise beyond his years and his message was truly powerful and one we all need to hear.

Please take a few minutes and watch it HERE.

I hope it blesses and inspires you as it did me.

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